Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Newer Pictures

Spring is Almost Here

I guess technically it is here. But I am waiting until April-last year it snowed in April, so I am prepping our little garden spot, getting rid of extra iris bulbs and maple trees, and thinking about getting outside for a run. I know I know, I need to do more than think about it! I was seriously aiming for it yesterday and minutes before I started lacing up my shoes it got windy, cold and rainy. I thought not a good way to start. I'm out of shape anyway, the last thing I need is cruddy weather. So today I will! The other thing is I didn't want to subject Natalie to the cold too since she'll be with me.
So- there are a ton of new things since I last posted, but I know for one thing: Natalie will be three in less than two months! Where does the time go?
She knows her left from her right! (New discovery)
She loves Taylor Swift, and dancing.
She is a princess but doesn't mind getting dirty (she loved helping me in the garden on Sunday)
So, they'll be more later, but I thought I better start somewhere.
Happy day!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A few new photos

Here are the latest photos, taken Labor Day weekend.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Natalie's Favorite Toy

Just thought I'd share some pictures of Natalie enjoying her new favorite toy: a green giraffe that I hung from her swing. I don't know why she loves it so much, maybe it's that it is close enough for her to reach. You can see she got quite excited when I put it in front of her. I am thoroughly enjoying seeing my baby girl discovering something new every day.

Monday, August 3, 2009

More pictures

We've had a great week. Spending time enjoying the lazy days of summer.

Enjoying a nap.

We went to Palmer lake today. Natalie cried for a few seconds when she first got wet, but then realized that she liked it. I think she'll be a little waterbug.

With Grampa Perry.

With daddy.

New pictures

I just had to get a shot of her in those cute jean shorts.
Showing some Seahawk pride.

Smiling at mommy.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Just some pictures I thought I'd post of Natalie that I've taken over the past 6 weeks.

Here she is sleeping peacefully.

Here she is enjoying some time with Grandma Starr.

She was a few days old here.

Chubby Cheeks!

Enjoying some sunshine with Dad - a few days old.

Looking around from her chair.

About Me

My photo
Tonasket, WA, United States
I am wife to Lucas Brownlee, mom to Natalie Kay, artist, friend, daughter, aunt, runner.